This morning we had an easy start. We did not get up before 08.00 hour. Time enough too do some email and packing of the car. First I connected all the antennas to the roll cage. Then we walked around the garden and swimming pooles. These are both mining towns. At 10.00 hour we left to Moulares and Redeyef., both mining towns. All around you see mines, which are all above the ground. After having passed these towns we went to Mides. During this ride we came from flat high plane into a mountain ridge. There we walked around the old village, which was destroyed in a flooding in 1969. There was a market where they sold stones, desert flowers, minerals, etc. At this point we were only 500m from the border with Algeria. Next we went to Tamerza, where we had lunch and minth tea in a restaurant for the locals. After that we went to the waterfall. Terence took a swim over there. Also at this place there was a market, where they also sold snakes and scorpions as well. Next was the viewpoint a few kilometers away. There you could see the ending of the mountain ridge and the start of the desert. Magnificent view!
Our following stop was Chebika, where there was also a waterfall, although smaller then that in Tamerza. We walked into the mountains and saw a small lake and the waterfall. In the small lake there were even frogs! We walked over a mountain top back to the car. Then we went to Tozeur which is a lively town. There were markets in the streets with a lot of people and cars. We went straight to the hotel. A magnificent hotel, probably one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. We checked in and I repaired a few things on the car and connected the anntennea's to the satphone, GPS and CB. Later we went with 3 cars to a fuel station to fill up our cars. We went back, had a shower and went to dinner. We first had a beer before dinner.
We had our dinner outside with live arabic music. We were finished at 22.00 hours and went to the museum next door. There was a lot to see about history, costums, fairy tales etc. We went to bed at midnight.
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