donderdag 30 oktober 2008

30 October 2008 Ubari sand dunes to Sirte

Yesterday evening we had a fantastic Arabic barbeque in the Sahara sand dunes nearby the Ubari lakes. This last night, sitting on ground, our cooker Bkai served our last diner in open air. First a delicious soup then the best hamburgers (meat of cows) I ever had, prepared with special herbs and spread over with fresh lemon. Under a sky full of stars all our Arabic men started to make wonderful music and they also sang together. After a good sleep under this beautiful sky we woke up at 7.00 had breakfast and left the sand dunes at 8.00. After a stop at Tekerkiba all inflated the tires for the drive on tarmac to the coastal area. We had a lang drive today of about 770 km. First the road were in bad condition, lotst of potholes, later on they were bad and sometimes very bad with a lot of dust and sand blowing over the road. The scenery was beautiful green in the beginning to grey and very bouring in the middel part. When we reached the city of Hun the roads were much better and also the scenery changed into mountain views for a while. I drove this long driving day in good compagny because Terence offered my a seat in his car this morning. We talked a lot and have listened to wonderful music. We were hold up at a special police check point and arrived at 6.45 PM in our hotel in Sirte. It is very strange to stay in hotel again after 10 fabulous days in the Sahara desert. I got in contact with Antoine at about 8.30 P.M. and heard that our car was ready this evening and that they will leave Tripoli tomorrow early in the morning to catch up with us. All together we can continu our Trail to Benghazi tomorrow around 11.30 A.M. 

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